On October 12th 2023 at 11:00 a.m. in Aula Magna, Engineering Campus of the University of Perugia, two worldwide acknowledged researchers will give a seminar within the Course “International Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering”.

Professor Simon Laflamme from the Iowa State University (USA), whose research fields mainly cover the areas of smart structures and systems, structural control and structural health monitoring, will give a seminar entitled “Fast Physics-lnformed Machine Learning for High-Rate Structural Health Monitoring”.

The seminar “An lntroduction to Population-Based SHM: When is a Bridge Not an Aeroplane?” given by Professor Keith Worden from the University of Sheffield (UK) will follow. Keith Worden’ research is mainly concerned with applications of advanced signal processing and machine learning methods to structural dynamics, particularly in structural health monitoring and non-linear dynamics.

Flyers of the seminars with a short bio of the speakers and the link to attend the event online are enclosed.

Flyer Seminar prof. LaFlamme [link]

Flyer prof. Seminar Worden [link]